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Using score in validation rule

How to use scores for more complex validation scenarios

Sometimes, a single validation rule isn't enough to determine if a document is valid or rejected. That's where scores come into play.

Using scores, you can assign points for each validation rule met. These points are summed up to provide a final score. Once all validation rules are processed, the final score is compared to the minimum score you defined for the document to be marked as "Valid" or "Pending." Any document below this score will be automatically marked as "Rejected."

Practical Example

Imagine you have three validation rules:

  • If all three rules are met, the document is automatically validated.
  • If only two rules are met, the document is set to "Pending" for further review.
  • If one or no rules are met, the document is automatically rejected.

Configuration Steps

  1. Assign Scores:
      • Assign the same score to each rule (e.g., 10 points each).
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  1. Define Score Thresholds:
      • Set the "Valid" score to 30 points (all three rules met).
      • Set the "Pending" score to 20 points (any two rules met).
      • Any document scoring below 20 points will be rejected.
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Note: If you don't set a "Pending" score, documents will be either valid or rejected, never "Pending."

Combining Scores with Status Changes

Scores can be combined with actions like "Reject Document." For example, if you want to immediately reject a document based on a specific condition (e.g., unauthorized country), you can set a validation rule with the action "Reject Document."

Important: Any rule that immediately changes a document's status will stop the validation process. Subsequent rules will be ignored, and no additional scores will be calculated.

This setup allows for flexible and nuanced validation processes, ensuring documents are accurately categorized based on multiple criteria.

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