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How to use Tags

Some best practices to use tags with candidates

Tag is a powerful feature in CheckHub that will let adapt workflows and how you deal will multiple type of candidates

What is a Tag

A tag is small piece of information you can put on candidate to categorize, to sort and to deal with them more efficiently. How you will name them and how many you need to use it totally up to you

Exemple of tags : VIP, Invoice Required, Urgent, To Contact,

How to use a Tag

In Candidate List

By default, tags have a dedicated column in the Candidate List, next to the name. It's an easy way to visualise what you need to know. If you customize the layout of columns, it's up to you to move it somewhere else (or totally remove it if you don't use tags)

Filter by Tags

The Candidate List allows you to filter

by Tag(s). By using tag in filter, you can easily retrieve specific candidates.

Please note

: if you use more than one tag in filter, you will only retrieve the candidates that possess all the tags (AND)

Candidate Details

Tags are also visible in a Candidate Details page. You can edit them like the rest of the information that belongs to the candidate.

Creating your first tag

To use your first tag, simply type a tag name. If no existing tag is found, we will create it for you.

You can add more tags, manage names and colors in Settings > Tags. Note: You'll need Tag Management right to access this page

Tag Restrictions

As soon as a tag is present in your account, any user can apply it in their candidates. But managing tags (create, edit, delete) is only possible to administrators with the right "Tag Management". See how to manage your User Rights and Groups

Using tags in notification

Tags are very powerful when used in combination with notification.The same way you can apply conditions based on Account, you can also requires one or more tags present to trigger a notification. Exemple : send a specific email if candidate is tagged as "Urgent"

If you use more than one tag in a Condition, you can choose between the two following options :- One tag present (OR) : Any tag is enough to trigger this condition- All tags (AND) : All tags must be present to trigger this condition

Using tags & accounts

When you combine account management with tags, this gives you infinite possibility to deal with the situations you need to cover in your business

Some Usage Examples

  • Pending Candidate with Tag Urgent : Create a notification "Pending after 4 hour" that will alert the candidate creator when this candidate is not completed after 4h
  • Completed candidate from Account: Bank and Tag: To Invoice : When a profile from the account Bank with tag To Invoice is completed, send an email to invoice manager to process with next step
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