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How to Create Your First API Token

Learn how to manage your API token to control access to your data.

To access our API and manage your records, you need a personal API Key.

Important Notes:
  • API Key Security: An API key provides complete and unlimited access to your account data (considered as "SuperAdmin"). Keep your API key secret and only share it with your developer(s).
  • Token Revocation: You can revoke any token at any time for security reasons.
  • Environment-specific Tokens: If you work with multiple environments (e.g., Development & Production), create separate tokens for each environment.

Steps to Create Your First API Key:

  1. Log into CheckHub Admin:
      • Use your personal credentials to log in.
  1. Navigate to API Tokens:
      • Go to Settings > API Tokens (Administrator or Company Settings rights are required).
  1. Create a New Token:
      • Click on New Token.
      • Add a Token Name (e.g., Local, DEV, PROD). Use a name that helps you remember where this token is used.
      Notion image
  1. Copy Your New Key:
      • Once your new key is created, simply click Copy to start using it.
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Steps to Revoke an API Key:

  1. Revoke the Token:
      • In the API Tokens section, click on Revoke next to the token you want to revoke.
  1. Confirm Your Action:
      • Confirm the revocation. Once deleted, you cannot reuse this token.

By following these steps, you can efficiently manage your API tokens and ensure the security of your data access.

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